
4. Ambiguous Traveler

Ambiguous Traveler
Bag 25 x 25 x 50 cm | Knitting on Leather
Rug 108 x 200 cm | Digital Printing, Leather Patchwork

The traveler is hiding various image. If she doesn't tell us, we'll never know. But we can see that she is always ready to leave somewhere by looking at her rug-changing clothes and a bag that turns into a hat. Actually, she travels tens of thousands of kilometers to meet the real nature, and wears a rug for settle down. She can open her rug and feel some nature whenever she wants. Also, she decided not to carry a lot of luggage because the bag could be a hat again at any time.

그 여행자는 다양한 모습을 숨기고 있어.
그가 우리에게 말하지 않으면 우리는 알 수 없지.
하지만 우린 그의 카펫으로 바뀌는 옷과 모자로 변하는 가방을 보고서 어딘가로 떠날 준비가 되어 있다는 것을 알았어. 그는 진짜 자연을 만나기 위해 수만 킬로미터를 여행하면서 어디서든 정착하기 위해 카펫을 입고 다녀. 원할 때 언제든 카펫을 펼쳐 자연을 조금 느껴볼 수 있대. 그는 여행에서 자연과 비슷한 물건들을 수집해 모자를 벗어 담기로 했어.
그의 여행은 어디까지 이어질까?
